We have tried to anticipate any questions you may have. But we’re sure that we will have missed some great questions! Please hit the Contact button to ask any and all questions. If it’s a common request, we will move it to this page as an official question!

We are so excited about this application and everything it can do, we don’t know where to start! Simply put, Petalz is a private social media application designed for anyone who dislikes or is challenged by traditional social media platforms. Although we focus on our seniors with tactile or cognitive challenges, our market research found that many able Grandparents and Great Grandparents who are comfortable with technology love the concept too! It’s important to note that we have also done extensive work with those with developmental disabilities with amazing results!

Petalz creates an invite-only private social network, making it a safe social media for kids. Our app encourages participation by all members through gentle reminders. It has the ability to categorize and sift through the content to ensure that every anniversary, birthday or any important date is celebrated for the whole day with shared memories!

Just like any other social media platform, everyone will share in enjoying the content, but it is delivered to one device in a different format that requires no interaction with the technology. Much research has gone into how this device alerts the user to new content, daily messages and celebration of important dates. See the question below “How Does Petalz Mosaic overcome physical and/or cognitive challenges?”

I guess that’s up to you! Petalz was designed specifically to run on a standard device, removing the requirement to buy a purpose built tablet. However, we realize that many people are looking for a simple tablet for seniors and would rather have a device pre-configured and delivered to their door. This not only removes the configuration of the device, but there is also something special about delivering a gift to your loved one! Please go to the Plan & Pricing page for more details.

This is so much more than a digital picture frame! Our research has clearly shown that digital picture frames, although a noble effort at engaging our seniors in our lives, miss the mark on many critical points. Think of a digital picture frame as a device that stores photos for the benefit of a single viewer. It soon gets forgotten because the images and video have no context, and it’s difficult to know when new content arrives. 

Petalz Mozaic is a private social media application that all members of the POD engage with and enjoy. But, using a specially designed tablet for seniors, it has a special mode for our Ambassadors, if they so choose. This dedicated tablet shares this content in a simpler way so that those who struggle with technology can share in the memories too. It gathers information about the PODs participants and attaches meta data to the content. It asks for content for specific occasions in advance and then uses AI to celebrate these occasions by sharing the perfect images and video at just the right time! 
 Petalz not only celebrates special occasions, it chimes when new precious memories arrive! And we haven’t even talked about the Daily Message Feature, yet. 
 Remember, anyone in the POD can set Petalz to Ambassador Mode, which shares the live streaming content that the Ambassador is seeing! Do you have any tablets in the home that you are no longer using? Set it to Ambassador mode and enjoy all the content coming in from the POD members in real time! There are many other advanced features in Petalz Mosaic that are not possible in a Digital Picture frame.

We are glad you asked! Our extensive market research with seniors and their caretakers revealed important clues that have driven our product development, and demonstrates why digital picture frames are not providing a sense of being connected with their families.
First, Petalz requires little to zero interaction with the device (with future releases we plan on creating 3 modes of interactivity). It runs in kiosk mode so it cannot be accidentally turned off. Does that help? But there’s more…

Petalz Mosaic uses gentle reminders to all the POD members to find and share moments from their life happening in real time. But more than that, it asks them to go back through their album and find content to celebrate the events that are meaningful to our Ambassador. Content that has relevance to the Ambassadors life and the life of those they love, stirs their emotions and reinforces memories. Please reference our Research page for some amazing studies on how social engagement increases the happiness of our Ambassadors and even extends their life!

As new content arrives, Petalz Mosaic chimes. Using AI, it decides what content to show at exactly the right time. Recent content will display more prominently, and special days like anniversaries, birthdays, sacred occasions, etc, will be filled with memories to celebrate these events together.

Finally, we arrive at the Daily Message feature. Our market research was loud and clear! Calling our dear seniors with cognitive decline presents many challenges and results in less contact. The Daily Message feature allows you to tell them about your day, tell them a story, remind them of a coming appointment or visit, or just tell them that you love them. These messages only play for the day and are not added to the album. They can be played over and over again (and trust us, they are because they miss the sound of your voice).

Do you like advertisements in your current social media stream??? Yeah, we didn’t think so! Petalz will never include advertisements or influencer content in your stream. This is your personal private social media network. Our Ambassadors are special to us and we don’t want to include any content that could confuse or frustrate them. And on top of that, all of your images are yours and will never be used by Petalz without your consent.

Yes! And that’s why Petalz is so special. You can scroll through all the recent activity in the POD, go to a single POD member and view their content, and even drop into Ambassador Mode where your screen will show you the live stream being sent to our beloved Senior. Have an old tablet in the house you aren’t using? Install Petalz, set it on a counter and viola! You have a portal into the lives of those you love.

We don’t think of this as just data… These are your precious family memories! Petalz is HIPPA Compliant and has been engineered with safety and the protection of our Ambassadors as a corner stone of the application.

No worries! We offer a 1 year warranty with a full replacement. However, if the Tablet has been dropped or damaged by water, the warrant will not apply.

We Need Your Help!

Beta Testing Program

A social application designed for Seniors