Our Team

Douglas and Melanie

Meet Doug & Melanie. Douglas, once deeply immersed in the corporate world, clocking in over two decades working with the tech giants of today. But a pivotal moment came during their volunteer work at long-term care facilities, where a profound realization struck: Our most beloved demographic struggles with feelings of loneliness and isolation. A mountain of available clinical research re-affirmed this. There is a glaring gap in technology catering to the needs of our seniors. Inspired by their firsthand experience, Doug & Melanie made a bold pivot, leaving behind the corporate confines to pursue a more purpose-driven path. Thus, in 2020, Petalz Mosaic was born, driven by a mission to revolutionize senior living through innovative software solutions. Join Petalz Mosaic on this transformative journey, where passion, compassion, and technology converge to redefine the golden years.

Brook-Lynne - Director & Project Manager

Introducing Brook Dixon, our dedicated Project Manager extraordinaire, entrusted with overseeing the entirety of our project. With a keen eye for detail and a talent for organization, Brook expertly coordinates our team's efforts, ensuring every aspect of the project aligns seamlessly. With a previous career in health care, Brook-Lynne brings a deep understanding of the challenges facing our senior community. In addition to managing our on-site team, Brook also spearheads our offshore development program, bridging geographical gaps to deliver results with efficiency and precision.

Jessica - Director of Marketing

Introducing Jessica, our Director of Marketing who is driven by a sincere desire to connect with and serve our dear seniors. With a strategic mindset and a compassionate heart, Jessica leads our Social Media and marketing efforts with a focus on uplifting and empowering the senior community. From developing campaigns that resonate with their needs to fostering meaningful connections, Jessica ensures our message of care and support reaches those who need it most.

Morgan - Director of Infrastructure and Technology

Meet Morgan, the tech veteran who's dedicated his career to the startup scene, steering three successful ventures through the turbulent waters of innovation. Now, as the Director of Infrastructure and Technology at Petalz Mosaic, his deep experience allows us to bring a scalable platform to market in record time. With a down-to-earth approach and a knack for problem-solving, Morgan ensures our digital backbone remains reliable and resilient.

Mattison - Director of Front End Development

Meet Matt, the visionary behind our Front End Development team, renowned for his knack in architecting elegant solutions to the most demanding coding challenges. Drawing from years of experience and a deep understanding of design principles, he leads our team in overcoming some of the most difficult challenges we have encountered in this journey, that marry form with function.