Why Petalz

Build Family Unity with EFFORTLESS Photo SHARING
At Petalz Mosaic, we believe that family unity starts with our beloved seniors. We have conducted a mountain of research to understand the obstacles to engaging with our elderly family members. This includes those who struggle with technology, and even those facing physical or cognitive decline. We have designed an elegant solution that requires no touching or interaction, yet streams the sound of a loved one’s voice, the warmth of their smile, and the most important moments in the lives of their family right into their home. Most importantly, Petalz gently nudges us with reminders to share cherished moments and prioritize staying connected, ensuring that we increase family unity.
PETALZ MOSAIC For Family Togetherness!
Let’s be honest. We all want family togetherness, but we live busy lives and don’t connect with our loved ones as often as we would like. We have mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, or just dear friends that just don’t participate with regular social media. But imagine their joy in seeing new videos and images every day, from the lives of the dearest people in their life, streaming into their home. Petalz provides a Daily Message feature to send a video update that only lasts for the day, that doesn’t get added to the album, and lets you remind these people that you love them, and help to keep the family together despite busy schedules or long-distance.

COMBATING LONELINESS in the family unit
Countless leading medical research journals and centers for geriatric studies including JAMDA & AARP, have studied the inherent irony that our most cherished demographic, seniors, is also the most vulnerable to loneliness and feelings of isolation. (Please see the link to our research page below to review some of this information). Petalz Mosaic was born from a desire to address this. The average long term care resident has 18 extended family members. Our mission has been to find a way to overcome the obstacles of aging, distance, and even busy lives to solve this. Research has shown that meaningful connection with loved ones not only enriches the lives of our seniors, but slows down cognitive decline and improves their health!
How is family unity increased by petalz mosaic?
At Petalz Mosaic, our ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of seniors, enriching their days with joy, laughter, and a sense of belonging. By addressing the barriers to technology, we empower our ambassadors to break free from isolation and strengthen familial ties.